How Can Doctors in Australia Avoid Burnout?

While the medical profession is understandably a high-pressure job, burnout should not be the ultimate result. As a doctor, arming yourself with the best tools to combat burnout before it happens is the best way to avoid that conclusion. 

A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that nearly 46% of medical physicians reported experiencing at least one symptom of burnout – So how do we combat this?

Know the Signs of Burnout

The best way to avoid burnout is by having a good understanding and awareness of yourself and any signs. By being able to defend yourself against these common signs of burnout will allow you to avoid the slippery slope to becoming burnt out. The signs of burnout can include:

  • Physical Exhaustion: This can include insomnia, frequent illnesses, weight gain or loss, changes in appetite or even chronic fatigue.

  • Emotional Exhaustion: Anxiety, depression, anger issues or mood swings are all signs of emotional fatigue. It is also common when emotionally exhausted to lean towards pessimism, cynicism and detachment.

  • Loss of Productivity: Feelings of forgetfulness, loss of concentration, lack of quality output are all signs you may be burning out.

If you start to experience any of these issues it is important to take time to look at your workload and reflect on your actions to avoid burning out. 

Don’t be Afraid to Say No

It is a common trait, and a great one, that doctors are often people-pleasers by nature. This aim to please is what makes them such wonderful professionals, but it can also become a downfall if not correctly managed. Doctors are more likely to say ‘yes’ to any favour asked of them, however this can lead directly to being overworked. It is important to remember that it is okay to decline extra work, last minute appointments and tasks that may overwhelm your schedule, as free time and relaxation is a non-negotiable when trying to avoid burnout. 

Ask for What You Need

If you feel you need a break, you probably do. Don’t be afraid to ask for time to take a walk to clear your mind on your lunch break, or implement flexible hours if it means it will make your week-to-week roster less stressful. Whatever it is you need as a doctor to ease the burden that leads to burnout, you’re not likely to get it unless you ask. Building a good relationship and being able to speak to your directors and supervisors is a great way to work out an arrangement that suits everyone. 

Preparing yourself is the best way to combat burnout. By remembering these three simple tips, listening to your body, and reaching out when you need help, you can avoid early signs of burnout. Happy and healthy medical professionals are what Australia is renowned for, make sure you’re one of them!





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